Recruitment Marketing: 5-Year Benchmark

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2020 Benchmark on Recruitment Marketing Shows F500 Firms Have Room to Improve

Just recently, Smashfly/Symphony Talent released its 2020 Recruitment Marketing Benchmark report covering the years 2015 to 2019. To note, the report shows the five-year milestone of Fortune 500 companies to better address talent nurturing and experience.

The report shows that even Fortune 500 companies still have room for improvement in perfecting or improving the candidate experience, as well as their talent recruitment strategy. This nevertheless bodes well for end-to-end business solutions providers like TDS and WeRK, with their decades worth of expertise and experience in the fields of talent acquisition, executive search and recruitment placements, and digital and online marketing including recruitment marketing.

For the recruitment marketing landscape in 2020, according to Smashfly, there has been significant change within the last five years. There are now 2 million LinkedIn search results for recruitment marketing, a sharp increase ever since the so-called “Mobilegeddon.”

Back in April 2015, Google released a new ranking algorithm with the intent and design to boost mobile-friendly pages in its mobile search results, impacting recruitment marketing, among others. Many employers then took swift action when they feared their SEO rankings would plummet. By the end of 2019, companies eventually nearly hit 100-percent mobile adoption.


Recruit Marketing Maturity

As for use of technology, recruitment marketing platforms and CRM tools were emerging tech with loose definitions in 2015. By 2020, CRM is clearly defined with emerging AI-based tech like chatbots, psychometric analysis and predictive analytics.

Also in 2015, the criteria benchmark for recruitment marketing is less than 15. In particular, criteria scores then focused on the two categories of employer brand and career site messaging. By end of 2019, there were more than 30 criteria scores including employer branding, SEO, content, mobile and personalizations.

Moreover, at least 4 in 10 Fortune 500 companies were in the classification of C/Standardizing, or the beginning stages of employer branding and career site. By end-2019, at least 3 in 10 are in B/Predicting, with balance of employer branding and job content. In addition, a robust talent network was in place of growing nurture strategy for these Fortune 500 firms.

As a result, there was a significant increase in companies going up to the A/Pioneering recruitment marketing category. Overall, those in the Innovating or Predicting strategy (A/B) had a 70-percent increase.


Hence the number of companies with highly mature recruitment marketing programs went up from 13 (or less than 3% of F500 firms) to 79 (almost 16 percent of the Fortune list).

Still, more than half of these F500 companies have yet a long way to go in providing their target talent with a robust candidate/applicant nurture strategy, according to the Smashfly-Symphony benchmark report.

“Ironically, the least utilized recruitment marketing tactics are the same ones that are specifically designed to save time and effort by eliminating manual work,” the 2020 benchmark report added. “Whether it’s a chatbot programmed to serve up relevant jobs, helpful resumé tips emailed to your talent network, or an auto reminder email to complete an unfinished application, leveraging automation to facilitate the ongoing conversation between candidates and employers is a critical facet of a cohesive talent experience.”

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About TDS GlobalSolutions (formerly TeleDevelopment Services Inc.)

TDS has established key partnerships with organizations to serve and stimulate growth in the IT-BPM industry. It has spent decades providing outsourcing solutions, management consulting services, talent assessments, executive recruitment, andvendor selection & management  for crucial departments of call center operations. For more info, please email TDS at or dial US number(1-888) 788-4441.

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